My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Well, This book was a lot of things to me but the most thing that popped out was how frustrated I was they just needed some Cumunication!!! Cumunication!!! Cumunication!!!
Olivia girl,
For a minute thats how you had me I really tried hard to understand you and your issues. I totally got why you were upset with Him(for that secret) but your reaction upset me I feel you girl on the trust and lying issue but there were better ways to handle it... I have to remember this is fiction but people do this stuff for reals, we are human and do stupid stuff. It open my eyes on how easy it is to hurt the ones we love most, and that goes for both of them because...
Dean, honey
I need a moment
YOU DO NOT KEEP SECRETS LIKE THAT FROM YOUR WIFE!!! What the hell was wrong with that fool?
Communication!!! Communication!!! Communication!!! Ok, ok Im calm now... So I really loved that this was about a married couple. I love how through it all they loved each other so much to keep fighting, and I love how we get both POV's. I also love how we get glimpses on how they met and whats brought us up to this point. This was very entertaining. Oh and I love the friends that Kelsey was something else. The love scenes were hot hot, hot. The way Dean talks to her... lemme fan myself. This story was very emotional but not heartbreaking. It's just enough to keep you nervous and expect the worse to happen. Thank God that it didn't so far, I still have another book to go. I'm routing for this couple and I hope they get there Shi$% together soo they can enjoy their blankity blank blank to come. All in all this book was delicious because they had the most amazing sexual chemistry I've eve read! cant wait to read more
Ok heres my couple and song also check me out on
Happy Reading my friends
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