Boy Next Door by
Emma Clark
My rating:
1 of 5 stars
Hell to the no! Need to make a book shelf that says that.
This book was...
I just had to be curious and see what this was all about I ve been reading a few kidnapping stories but this one was just bat sh@t insane
Brandon, my first thought.. oh yeah he's
what he did to Mia in the beginning had me thinking
Then what he did to the pizza girl in front of Mia I was like
I was ready to kill that fool
So then Mia gets away but of course comes back and he tells her finally the reason he's the way he is these are his words
I have what they call narcissistic personality disorder. Medication doesn't normally help but since I'm also bipolar, they prescribed an anti-depressant, mood stabilizer and anti-psychotic meds. I'll give you a few minutes to let that sink in." YES He Said All That but thats not all
I have one more diagnosis. They say I have antisocial personality disorder, which means I have sociopathic tendencies. Supposedly.'So basically this fools like
and like
which means he's like
And a lil bit like
but Mia when she hears all this he asked her if she was ok with it had he scared her off dumb girl says "
No it's okay I'll be fine."
I mean really girl
This story... oh just forget it, just no I'm done!
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